This video looks at the Australian Values set out in the proposed draft New Aussie Constitution.
Who's in charge of Australia?
New Aussie Constitution – The model for electing a Head of State - Video 14
This video compares the model for electing a Head of State under the proposed draft New Aussie Constitution with the model proposed by the Australian Republican Movement.
You can find out more about the proposed draft New Aussie Constitution at the website listed below. The New Aussie Constitution has been developed independently of Government or any political party and is promoted by the private not-for-profit organisation called the New Aussie Constitution Trust. If you like the concept of the New Aussie Constitution, then like and share this video. Also don’t forget to follow the New Aussie Constitution Trust and feel free to comment below as we are always keen for feedback, so tell us what you think!
Let’s restore the honour to Australia Day
New Aussie Constitution – The potential for the monarch to influence our democracy
This video looks at the fact that the current Australian Constitution does nothing to prevent the risk of a future monarch exerting undue influence on democratically elected Australian governments and how the proposed draft New Aussie Constitution could ensure proper independence for Australia.
The New Aussie Constitution has been developed independently of Government or any political party and is promoted by the private not-for-profit organisation called the New Aussie Constitution Trust.
New Aussie Constitution - Changing the Australian national flag
The New Aussie Constitution and Voter Identification
COVID response under the New Aussie Constitution
In this article we’ll look at how the management of a national emergency like the COVID pandemic may have played out if the New Aussie Constitution was in place. The draft New Aussie Constitution is a proposed replacement for the current Australian Constitution that has been developed independently of government.