Should there be an age limit to be eligible to run for government?

This video [CLICK HERE] looks whether there should be age limits on being eligible to run for high office in Australia.

Our elected leaders in Australia, our Members of Parliament, Ministers and our Prime Minister each have a great responsibility for the citizens over which they preside but, like with all jobs, there comes a time when age starts to weigh upon us. As the years advance, our cognitive ability starts to decline and our memory starts to let us down and all the experience which made our leaders suitable for high office starts to be overtaken by the downside of advancing years.

So should we put an age limit the eligibility of people to hold office as Members of Parliament, Ministers, the Prime Minister and even to hold office as Judges? If so, what do we set the magic age at?

We all know people over 70 years old who are as sharp as a tack and possibly even some people under seventy that you would not want to hold office. In the proposed draft New Aussie Constitution we have limited Members of Parliament, including Ministers, the Prime Minister and even the Governor-General to a maximum eligible age of 70 years. Federal Court justices are also required to retire at 70 years of age.

The New Aussie Constitution is a fully drafted, proposed replacement for the current Australian Constitution that has been developed independently of Government or any political party. You can find out more about the proposed draft New Aussie Constitution by looking around the website. If you like the concept of the New Aussie Constitution, then like and share this video. Also don’t forget to follow the New Aussie Constitution Trust and feel free to comment below as we are always keen for feedback, so tell us what you think!