Support the Petition

This video [CLICK HERE] explains why we are chasing your support for a petition to delay the referendum for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament (the Voice) until the proposed constitutional amendment is better defined. We believe that proper constitutional definition of the Voice is superior to the current proposal to simply give all powers on the matter to the Parliament.

A Constitution should define how the basic functions of government operate, including the proposed Voice. In deciding on whether to support the Voice, the voters need to be properly informed about how it will be established, how it will operate, what rights and powers it has and what limits apply. Australia cannot accept the current proposal that will result in the rules around the Voice changing every time a new government is elected.

Whether you support the Voice or not, or even if you are not sure about the issues, this Petition is important to you. Please help us to ensure the proposed Voice is better defined in the Constitution, so that Australians can make an informed decision at the referendum, and if it is passed, that it can function properly for the benefit of all Australians.

Sign Up Here! Petition Link:

To find out more about the proposal for a replacement ‘New Aussie Constitution’, take some time to look around this website.