One National Flag

One National Flag

This article argues that flying the indigenous flag alongside the Australian flag everywhere is not the best solution for national unity and that the time has come for a new national flag that all Australians can rally behind as a symbol of a united Australia.

Did you know that the Australian national flag can only be changed by a referendum and that one of the possible options for the referendum must be to retain the current Australian flag. This legislative requirement will ensure that if Australians choose to change our national flag, it will be a true majority decision.

More evidence we need to change the Australian Constitution

More evidence we need to change the Australian Constitution

This video looks at the revelation that the former Prime Minister broke Australian governance conventions with the blessing of the Governor General but without informing the Australian citizens. Yet again the current Australian Constitution failed to be at all relevant to the actual running of the country. The proposed draft New Aussie Constitution does not rely on whether or not politicians follow historical conventions, and aims to see that the governance structures are properly defined and only subject to change with the approval of the Australian people.

The wrong approach to constitutional change – Video 25

The wrong approach to constitutional change – Video 25

This video looks at the Australian Government’s recently announced approach to constitutional change in order to introduce an indigenous voice to parliament. The Government’s proposal intends to rely on using the Parliament to determine the details of how the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice would operate. The New Aussie Constitution Trust argues that more defined and prescriptive changes to the Constitution are needed so that future Parliaments do not manipulate the arrangements and so that the Australian people will know what they are voting for at the referendum.

New Minister for the Republic

New Minister for the Republic

This video discusses the appointment of a Minister for the Republic under the new Australian Government with the new Minister to achieve over the next six years an indigenous voice to parliament and the transition of Australia to a republic. The New Aussie Constitution Trust cautiously support these initiatives, both of which are already written into the independently developed, proposed draft New Aussie Constitution released by the trust back in September 2021.

Replace Rather Than Amend The Australian Constitution

Replace Rather Than Amend The Australian Constitution

This video discusses the new Australian Government initiative to implement the Uluru Statement from the Heart by altering the Australian Constitution and suggests this is a unique opportunity to not just address this issue but a range of other legacy problems with the current Australian Constitution by replacing it entirely with a new document such as the proposed draft New Aussie Constitution.

Our Military and the Australian Constitution

Our Military and the Australian Constitution

Any permanent military force is invariably a very powerful institution within the society which created it. This article argues that Australia needs to better define the role of the Australian military forces in the country’s Constitution, who does it owe its allegiance too, who it works for, who commands it and when and how it can be used. It is yet another reason why Australia needs to replace its current Constitution.

The Australian Oath of Office – Video 20

The Australian Oath of Office – Video 20

If we in Australia take the Oaths of Office that our government leaders and our military swear to be important, then why aren’t they swearing their allegiance to Australia and the Australian people instead of to a foreign Head of State. This video compares the current oath of office sworn under the current Australian Constitution with the oaths of office contained in the proposed draft New Aussie Constitution.