The proposal to enshrine an Indigenous Voice to Parliament in the Australian Constitution is drafted to simply give all powers on the matter to the Parliament. A Constitution should contain those terms that the Parliament cannot amend without referring it back to the people at a referendum. If an indigenous voice to parliament is important enough for inclusion in the Australian Constitution, then the voters need to be informed about how it will operate, how it will be established, what rights and powers it has and what limits apply.
Time to be a truly independent nation
Amending the Constitution the right way
Voting as a right also means voting is a responsibility
Compulsory voting requires politicians to address the entire electorate rather than just pandering to an extremist fringe that they can mobilise to vote on the day, and this means compulsory voting will result in more moderate governments that better represent mainstream society. Compulsory voting also recognises that with each right, in this case the right to vote, comes a responsibility, the responsibility to vote at every election.